Dwight Eisenhower was the one who said, “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”
(more…)Tag: Preparing a strategic plan
Importance of Strategic Planning
Dwight Eisenhower was the one who said, “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”
Strategic planning is a good example – it’s not urgent but it’s important. Very important.
Many of the day-to-day operational struggles we face in our organizations had their seeds sown in the past, when we failed to plan.
Of course, no one can predict the future, everyday has its own operational struggles but the fact remains that many severe operational struggles have, as their origin, a failure from months or years earlier – a failure in strategic planning. In other words, the absence of strategic planning or poor strategic plans, usually lead to operating nightmares. (more…)