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Developing Yourself To Success

Personal development. If you could put what drives career success into one phrase, that would be the phrase.

Personal development is the conscious pursuit of self-growth by expanding self-awareness and improving personal skills.

Basically, what it takes is for you to consider your aims in life, assess your skills, and continuously strive to improve them in areas that will help you achieve your aims.


Avoiding the Urgency Trap using Eisenhower Matrix

Please look over the following questions:

  • Do you have long-term goals but no time or energy to make progress on them?
  • Do you find yourself running around putting out fires all day?
  • Are you usually busy but don’t feel like your work has a high impact?
  • Are you having a hard time delegating and/or saying no?

If you find yourself feeling a twinge of guilt at any point while working through the questions listed above, then it’s recommended that you try Eisenhower Matrix (also known as the urgent-important matrix). (more…)

Why You Must Start Setting Personal Goals

If you have not set personal goals (at least for this year), it is like setting out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination. One of the implications is that you feel as if you are adrift, working hard but don’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. You need to spend enough time to think about what you want from life and set yourself personal goals to achieve them. (more…)

Find your strengths, focus on using them

One of the primary drivers of success is finding your strengths and focusing on using them. Your strengths are those personal characteristics that allow you to perform at your personal best.

The more you can narrow down to what your core strength is the better your chance of success. That’s why the key to having an excellent career is to ask yourself one simple question: “What is my biggest strength?”

So many people are in jobs they don’t like because they haven’t found the answer to that question. And because everyone is good at a few things and does them here and there, many talented people float in the pool of mediocrity – lacking real success.

That should not be. Don’t deny yourself fulfillment and subsequent success by failing to play in areas of your strength. You must nail down your strengths so you can discover your passion. Critical to success is finding and being sure of that one big thing you want to do forever – your biggest strength.

Here are three tips that will help you identify your strengths and find ideas for using them: (more…)